[message]GT51M-TH Traditional Chirp Downvu & Sidevu Thru
GT51M-TH Traditional Chirp Downvu & Sidevu Thru
SKU: Part Number: 010-01966-10
Description & Specification
Perfect for the coastal and offshore fisherman who want CHIRP traditional sonar, CHIRP ClearV??? and CHIRP SideV??? scanning sonar with a stainless steel stem, this thru-hull mounted transducer consistently displays clear and crisp fish arches with superior target separation as well as clear pictures of objects, structure and fish that pass below and to each side of your boat and is optimized for rough sea conditions. The CHIRP ClearV???/ SideV??? elements have a power rating of 500 W per element and operating frequencies of 260/455 kHz. The traditional CHIRP sonar has a power rating of 600 W and operating frequencies of mid-band CHIRP 80-160 kHz. It includes a built-in fast-response temperature sensor. For hull deadrises less than 5 degrees. GT51M-TH includes a 12-pin transducer with stainless steel stem, fairing block, isolation plate and bushings, mounting hardware and installation instructions. Follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging your boat.